Our team aspires to preserve our achieved consolidation, beyond local reach, as a leader of regional professionalism.
Eduardo Sánchez Acosta, Office Holder for Notary Public 7 of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, and Corredor Publico (Civil Law Broker) 55 of the same State; surpasses 30 years of experience in the legal world; specializing in mercantile, civil, and family litigation, as well as corporate, contract, real-estate, and trust law.
Graduated of the Bachelor of Laws from La Universidad de Guadalajara thirty years ago.
He has further completed a series of specializations, certifications, masters’ degrees, and academic programs abroad, for which he has continued to be an active member throughout his professional journey. He has held the title of Corredor Publico 55 for the State of Jalisco; charge which grants powers of attestation in the mercantile sphere, for valuations and legal advisory in a professional capacity.
In 2018 he was designated Notario Publico (Notary Public) 7 of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; performing to date such duties ethically and under a framework of social responsibility.
Is to create lasting bonds of trust with our clients as we assist them along all their legal affairs, at all times prioritizing their personal, professional, and/or corporate interests in the short, medium, and long term.
Ignacio Urbina Avellaneda
Elías Ayala García
Romina Estefanía Gómez García
America Nayeli Rodríguez Casillas
Monica Iveth Mireles Macedo
Diana Laura Estrada Velázquez
Judith Montserrat Ramírez López
Romyna Basurto Del Zoppo
Martha Guillermina Ruíz Deniz
Lilia Aurora Velasco Bravo
Kathya Michelle Vázquez Meza
Ana Caren Mariscal García
Adjania Tamara Gutiérrez Torres
Evelyn Denisse García Almanza
Jessica Guadalupe Severino Pineda
Rocío Merari De La Torre
Rosario Anahel Delgadillo Ortega
Selene Michell Esquivel Mendoza
Fredo Rodríguez Alonso
Karla Analletzin Rodríguez Rodríguez
Daniela Aguiar Rosas
Gerardo Hernández Infante
José Campos Carlos
Luis Guadalupe González Ornelas
Edgar Quirarte Cayeros
Dalia Esmeralda Benítez Barragán
Mario Javier Cruz Rodríguez
Luis Eduardo Lomelí Robledo
Luis Felipe Hernández Quiroz
Fernando Palacios Ureña
Victor Hugo Arreguín López
Isis Viridiana Valera Alcantar
Luis Fernando García Castro
Roberto Alfredo Díaz Lugo
Silvia Alejandra González Ornelas
Mariana Noemí Gutiérrez Sánchez
José Ángel Aréchiga Palomares
Jorge Ignacio Plascencia Vázquez
Carolina Elías Ramírez